RadEye PRD4
RadEye PRD4 New and Better high-performance Personal Radiation Detector for finding radiation sources. Suitable for first preventers (border guards, customs officers) and first responders (emergency services and law enforcement).
- Search and Safety
- Security
- First responders
- Steel and Recycling
- Environmental Monitoring
Technical Specifications
- Detector : New Cs(Tl)-detector
- Improved Patented Natural Background Rejection (NBR) technology
- Added Neutron Radiation Alert capability
- Energy range : 58 keV – 6 MeV, excellent detection from 20 keV
- Measuring range : 10 nSv/h – 250 µSv/h
- Can be used as a search and survey tool.
- Low-power-technology components and fully automated self-checks result in minimum maintenance.
- Large screen